Slide Index
Molecular and Cellular Pathophysiology
- Appendix (slide #3470)
- Liver 1 (slide #3471)
- Liver 2 (slide #3472)
- Ovarian Tumor (slide #3473)
- Lung-Pneumonectomy (slide #3481)
- Gastric Tumor - Intraperitoneal Metastases (slide #3476)
Cardiovascular Pathology
- Atherosclerosis of Right Coronary Artery (with recent intra-mural plaque rupture - slide #1)
- Coronary Atherosclerosis (slide #7)
- Acute Myocardial Infarction (slide #7a)
- Healed Myocardial Infarction (slide #8)
- Myocarditis (slide #9)
- Amyloidosis (slide #10)
- Endocarditis (slide #11)
Pulmonary Pathology
- Sarcoidosis with Interstitial Lung disease and Hilar Lymphadenopathy (slide #14)
- Emphysema (slide #15)
- Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma (slide #16)
- Tuberculous pneumonitis and Lymphadenitis (slide #13)
- Bronchopneumonia (slide #12)
Liver Pathology
- Chronic hepatitis B with minimal activity and no fibrosis
- Chronic hepatitis C with mild activity and cirrhosis
- Acute large bile duct obstruction with acute, ascending cholangitis
- Severe large droplet steatosis, steatohepatitis and developing cirrhosis (H&E)
- Severe large droplet steatosis, steatohepatitis and developing cirrhosis (Trichrome)
- Hepatic Infarcts due to Hepatic Artery Thrombosis (coagulative necrosis)
GI Pathology
- Ulcerative Colitis (Colon)
- Linitis Plastica (Stomach)
- Linitis Plastica (Stomach with mucicarmine stain)
- Adenoma (Colon)
- Adenocarcinoma (Colon)