Slide Index

Molecular and Cellular Pathophysiology

  1. Appendix (slide #3470)
  2. Liver 1 (slide #3471)
  3. Liver 2 (slide #3472)
  4. Ovarian Tumor (slide #3473)
  5. Lung-Pneumonectomy (slide #3481)
  6. Gastric Tumor - Intraperitoneal Metastases (slide #3476)

Cardiovascular Pathology

  1. Atherosclerosis of Right Coronary Artery (with recent intra-mural plaque rupture - slide #1)
  2. Coronary Atherosclerosis (slide #7)
  3. Acute Myocardial Infarction (slide #7a)
  4. Healed Myocardial Infarction (slide #8)
  5. Myocarditis (slide #9)
  6. Amyloidosis (slide #10)
  7. Endocarditis (slide #11)

Pulmonary Pathology

  1. Sarcoidosis with Interstitial Lung disease and Hilar Lymphadenopathy (slide #14)
  2. Emphysema (slide #15)
  3. Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma (slide #16)
  4. Tuberculous pneumonitis and Lymphadenitis (slide #13)
  5. Bronchopneumonia (slide #12)

Liver Pathology

  1. Chronic hepatitis B with minimal activity and no fibrosis
  2. Chronic hepatitis C with mild activity and cirrhosis
  3. Acute large bile duct obstruction with acute, ascending cholangitis
  4. Severe large droplet steatosis, steatohepatitis and developing cirrhosis (H&E)
  5. Severe large droplet steatosis, steatohepatitis and developing cirrhosis (Trichrome)
  6. Hepatic Infarcts due to Hepatic Artery Thrombosis (coagulative necrosis)

GI Pathology

  1. Ulcerative Colitis (Colon)
  2. Linitis Plastica (Stomach)
  3. Linitis Plastica (Stomach with mucicarmine stain)
  4. Adenoma (Colon)
  5. Adenocarcinoma (Colon)

Renal Pathology

  1. Case 1
  2. Case 2
  3. Case 3
  4. Case 4
  5. Case 5
  6. Case 6
  7. Case 7

Hematopoietic Neoplasms

  1. Reactive Lymph Node
  2. Follicular Lymphoma
  3. Hodgkin Lymphoma
  4. ALL
  5. CML
  6. Multiple Myeloma
  7. Normal blood smear for comparison