Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Slide #3481
The patient is a 70-year-old smoker with a past medical history significant for lung cancer, treated with a wedge resection in 1997, and emphysema. He presented to the ER with hemoptysis. Exam revealed a temperature of 100.2 F andWBCof 13.9. CT scan of the chest showed a mass in the left hilum. He was taken to the OR and a left pneumonectomy was performed. The patient's recovery was unremarkable and he was discharged home to Turkey.
- What is the predominant tissue in the slide?
Do you recognize some of the normal pulmonary tissue landmarks? - Is the tumor in this slide benign or malignant? Is it of epithelial or mesenchymal origin?
- What is the pathogenesis of this tumor?
- In which anatomic region of the tracheobronchial tree does this tumor usually arise?